Dr Faraj performs a wide range of general surgical procedures. These include:

  • Keyhole hernia operations
    Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric and Incisional hernias. Dr Faraj uses the latest laparoscopic (keyhole) techniques to ensure patients have minimal pain and can quickly return to their normal daily activities.

  • Keyhole Gallbladder removal
    This is one of Dr Faraj’s most common general surgical procedures, which he can usually perform with minimally invasive techniques.

  • Vasectomy
    A surgical procedure for male sterilisation or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are severed and then tied or sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperm from entering into the urethra and thereby preventing fertilisation.

  • Toenail Surgery
    Ingrown toenails are common. A wedge resection is a procedure that removes the part of the nail that is causing the inflammation. The inflamed (granulation) tissue is also excised.

  • Skin lesions
    Simple and complex skin lesions are excised. These may include a large variety of skin cancers. After they are removed, a flap repair (skin graft or rotating an adjacent area of skin) may be required.

  • Lipomas and cysts
    Excision of benign soft-tissue lesions. These may be located on any part of the body. After Dr Faraj excises a lesion, he always sends the specimen for histopathology. The pathologist carefully examines the specimen and the diagnosis is confirmed.

  • Keyhole removal of the appendix
    This is usually an emergency operation, done early after the diagnosis of an inflamed appendix.

  • Haemorrhoid and perianal surgery
    This includes the excision of symptomatic haemorrhoids and the surgical treatment of perianal conditions including abscesses, fistulas and fissures.

  • Diagnostic laparoscopy
    Sometimes imaging and other diagnostic procedures are not able to diagnose an abnormality in patients with chronic abdominal pain. Via keyhole surgery, Dr Faraj is able to have a thorough look at the internal organs and exclude a sinister cause of the pain.

All patients will have a detailed and informative discussion with Dr Faraj prior to surgery.

Dr Faraj treats a wide variety of breast disease. This includes benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) conditions. He sees patients promptly to assess their condition – not all breast conditions require surgery and this will be explained at your appointment.

Using the latest advances in breast surgery Dr Faraj can often remove only part of the breast and using a variety of techniques, give patients a great aesthetic outcome post-operatively.

Breast cancer patients are treated with a high level of support. Dr Faraj discusses the condition of all his patients with a diagnosed breast cancer at a multidisciplinary team meeting. This is where Dr Faraj and his colleagues (Radiation Oncologist, Medical Oncologist, Pathologist and Breast Care Nurse) discuss and optimise the individual treatment for each of their patients.

Dr Faraj is a full member of the nationally and internationally accredited prestigious group Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand.

All patients will have a detailed and informative discussion with Dr Faraj prior to surgery.

Dr Faraj is a highly trained Surgical Oncologist. His expertise allows him to treat a wide variety of cancers. He is a member of the Prince of Wales Soft Tissue Multidisciplinary Team. With other members of the team (Radiation Oncologist, Medical Oncologist and fellow surgeons), every patient with a suspicious or large lump/cancer is discussed in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

Dr Faraj operates on benign and malignant soft tissue tumours.

Benign tumours include cysts, lipomas and a variety of skin lesions.

Malignant (cancerous) lesions/tumours include malignant melanomas, Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC), sarcomas, desmoid tumours and also some rarer tumours.

Malignant lesions/masses require thorough pre-operative assessment, including scans, and on most occasions a tissue diagnosis via a biopsy depending on the location. Dr Faraj will discuss this in detail during your consultation.

Dr Faraj performs upper gastrointestinal endoscopies and colonoscopies. He uses a tube with a camera attached to its tip to view the upper gastrointestinal tract (oesophagus/stomach and duodenum) and take biopsies for diagnosis of a variety of conditions.

A colonoscopy is tube with a camera that is used to look at the colon and some of the small bowel. It requires patients to undergo bowel preparation, which includes the intake of strong laxatives in order for Dr Faraj to have a detailed look at your colon.

A colonoscopy may be performed due to bleeding from your anal canal, a positive faecal occult blood test (a test performed every two years to help target at-risk patients), if you have a change in bowel habits, or you have a strong family history of bowel cancer.

During the colonoscopy, polyps may be removed, cancers biopsied and haemmorhoids may be banded.

Dr Faraj will discuss with you the preparation required. The majority of patients only require 1 day off work, as the bowel preparation is given the evening before the procedure.

Dr Faraj is also able to perform a nasendoscopy in his office. A nasendoscope is a thin tube with a camera attached to its tip. After numbing medication is given to the patient, the tube is inserted via one of the nostrils and the back of the throat and vocal cords are examined. The numbness resolves in a couple of hours.

Thyroid Surgery

Dr Faraj is a trusted and experienced thyroid and parathyroid surgeon.

Due to the increasing availability of ultrasounds and other diagnostic imaging, more patients are now being diagnosed with thyroid abnormalities.

Thyroid surgery can include the removal of half of the thyroid (hemithyroidectomy) or the whole thyroid (total thyroidectomy). The extent of thyroid surgery performed depends on the specific thyroid condition being treated. Dr Faraj’s goal is to treat the condition to the best extent possible, while maintaining the lowest risk.

He performs surgery if a patient is diagnosed with benign thyroid nodules (multinodular goitre), a hyperactive thyroid (that has been unsuccessfully treated with medications) or thyroid cancer. Thyroid surgery actually removes the source of the problem – the thyroid gland.

Thyroid surgery is safe and highly successful, with a low complication rate.

Dr Faraj uses the latest technology for both public and private patients. This is via the intraoperative NIM nerve monitoring system, which monitors important nerves in the neck while the surgery is being performed.

All patients will have a detailed and informative discussion with Dr Faraj prior to surgery.


Parathyroid Surgery

Parathyroid surgery is usually performed for a benign condition called hyperparathyroidism.

Hyperparathyroidism can occur when a benign tumour, called an adenoma, forms in one of the small parathyroid glands that are located in the neck next to the thyroid gland. This makes the gland grow and causes it to become overactive and produce excess amounts of the parathyroid hormone. Excessive amounts of this hormone can redirect calcium from the bones into the bloodstream.

Dr Faraj performs minimally invasive parathyroid surgery through a small, 2cm-keyhole incision placed directly over the parathyroid gland. This type of surgery is only suitable for patients whose pre-operative scans have been able to identify the exact location of a single parathyroid adenoma.

All patients will have a detailed and informative discussion with Dr Faraj prior to surgery.

General Surgery

Breast surgery

Surgical oncology

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy and nasendoscopy

Thyroid and parathyroid surgery



  • Surgical Oncologist
  • Breast Surgeon
  • Endocrine Surgeon
  • General Surgeon
  • Laparoscopic Surgeon
  • Endoscopist


  • General surgery
  • Breast surgery
  • Surgical oncology
  • Thyroid and parathyroid surgery
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy,
    colonoscopy and nasendoscopy


Dr Shadi Faraj            
02 9802 6555

Fax: 02 9475 1175            


© Dr Shadi Faraj 2017

Site credit: Thinkforest Media

Photos used with permission from:
Geoff Jones, Hawkesbury Gazette
Kerrie Powers, Hawkesbury District Health Service.

Dr Faraj performs a wide range of general surgical procedures.
These include:

  • Keyhole hernia operations
    Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric and Incisional hernias. Dr Faraj uses the latest laparoscopic (keyhole) techniques to ensure patients have minimal pain and can quickly return to their normal daily activities.

  • Keyhole Gallbladder removal
    This is one of Dr Faraj’s most common general surgical procedures, which he can usually perform with minimally invasive techniques.

  • Vasectomy
    A surgical procedure for male sterilisation or permanent contraception. During the procedure, the male vas deferens are severed and then tied or sealed in a manner so as to prevent sperm from entering into the urethra and thereby preventing fertilisation.

  • Toenail Surgery
    Ingrown toenails are common. A wedge resection is a procedure that removes the part of the nail that is causing the inflammation. The inflamed (granulation) tissue is also excised.

  • Skin lesions
    Simple and complex skin lesions are excised. These may include a large variety of skin cancers. After they are removed, a flap repair (skin graft or rotating an adjacent area of skin) may be required.

  • Lipomas and cysts
    Excision of benign soft-tissue lesions. These may be located on any part of the body. After Dr Faraj excises a lesion, he always sends the specimen for histopathology. The pathologist carefully examines the specimen and the diagnosis is confirmed.

  • Keyhole removal of the appendix
    This is usually an emergency operation, done early after the diagnosis of an inflamed appendix.

  • Haemorrhoid and perianal surgery
    This includes the excision of symptomatic haemorrhoids and the surgical treatment of perianal conditions including abscesses, fistulas and fissures.

  • Diagnostic laparoscopy
    Sometimes imaging and other diagnostic procedures are not able to diagnose an abnormality in patients with chronic abdominal pain. Via keyhole surgery, Dr Faraj is able to have a thorough look at the internal organs and exclude a sinister cause of the pain.

All patients will have a detailed and informative discussion with Dr Faraj prior to surgery.